23 November 2016
Οn Tuesday the 29th of November at 11:00 GMT (i.e.12:00 Amsterdam time, 13:00 Athens time) TIME-MBE will present a webinar. The presenter will be Gaétan de Rassenfosse (EPFL), and the title of the talk is “Technology Protectionism and the Patent System: Strategic Technologies in China”.
The webminar program we use is VSee. A one minute video with instructions on how to run VSee can be found at http://technisnet.org/seminars.html (scroll down a bit).
Remember to login to VSee a couple of minutes before we start, and keep in mind that it is usually convenient to have a pair of headphones with a mic and a good camera. When the seminar starts you are kindly asked to turn your microphone off as to block surrounding noise.
If you have any queries email panagopoulos@uoc.gr, or andreas.panagopoulos@gmail.com