

20 October 2016

Seminar 27/10/2016@13:00 by Sebastian Hoenen (Wageningen)

Seminar 27/10/2016@13:00 by Sebastian Hoenen (Wageningen)

Οn Thursday the 27th of October at 13:00, ΤΙΜΕ-ΜΒΕ and the TECHNIS research group jointly present their second seminar for this week. The presenter will be Sebastian Hoenen (Wageningen Un.) The title of the talk is "Lifting them up: How NSF rotators induce performance improvements for their colleagues".

The webminar program we use is VSee. A one minute video with instructions on how to run VSee can be found in our webpage at (scroll down a bit). 

Remember to login to VSee a couple of minutes before we start, and keep in mind that it is usually convenient to have a pair of headphones with a mic and a good camera. When the seminar starts you are kindly asked to turn your microphone off as to block surrounding noise.

If you have any queries email, or


In this paper we empirically study whether scientists who move out of academia temporarily affect the ability of their colleagues to attract research resources. In doing so we are the first to exploit the rotation program at the National Science Foundation (NSF). Under the rotation program NSF employs scientists who step out of their academic institution for a period of usually 1 to 2 years to lead the peer review process at the agency. The question we pose is whether, upon return, rotators cause scientists in their academic unit, with whom they are not collaborating with, to increase their NSF funding. Empirically, we analyze the growth of NSF funding with a difference-in-difference estimation. Scientists in academic units with a returning rotator are the treatment group. To populate the list of scientists in the control academic units we implement Coarsened Exact Matching on an unusually comprehensive hand-collected dataset. The estimates reveal causal evidence that rotator’s colleagues with no NSF funding in the ex-ante period raise close to $120,000 more than similar scientists in similar academic units who do not have a rotator as a colleague in the ex-post period. This effect is stronger when the rotators are helpful and have a long tenure at their institution. A series of interviews with rotators and with faculty members as well as numerous tests that rule out competing explanations suggest that knowledge transfer from the rotator including hints on topics NSF is keen on funding and guidance on available but difficult to detect opportunities drives the results. 



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