27 January 2023
Please join us for a TIME-Excellence-Lecture on Tuesday the 31st of January 2023 at 17:00 Athens time. The speaker is Carlos Ponce, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile. The title of the talk is “Multidimensional Innovation Responses and Foreign Competition".
Link to the paper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lzN1rwkTWHbOTH-KjQ7xJTSrClsCtIGm/view
This webinar is free and open to all. The moderator is Dr. Andreas Panagopoulos. Join Zoom Meeting: https://uoc-gr.zoom.us/j/88053414554?pwd=WTFVbi85NDhzY2d1M0pjbzIzTHRVQT09
Abstract: The dramatic increase in China’s exports after its accession to the World Trade Organization offers a window of opportunity for learning the innovative behavior of firms under competitive distress. Using manufacturing firm-level data, we quantify the effects of foreign competition on innovation in Uruguay. Our estimates show that a higher level of foreign competition reduces innovation inputs (acquisition of new machines, equipment, and software) and outputs (process and product innovations). These adverse effects are larger for firms in business groups and smaller for more productive firms and firms with more skilled labor.